Superintendent’s Blog – 11/13/2017

Internet Safety, the 2018-19 School Calendar, and Weather-Related Phone Calls

Recently, I was having a very interesting conversation with my 11-year-old son. He was frustrated with his father and me, because we insist that he be in the same room as us when he is on the Internet.

To help him better understand we talked to him about a trip into New York City that we had recently taken. We asked him if it would have been okay for Mom and Dad to drop him off in Times Square for a couple of hours by himself. He gave us a resounding “absolutely not”.

We explained that going out into an unfiltered, online world would be a similar experience.   While this has seemed to appease him for now, I know that this conversation will happen multiple times before he is truly old enough to navigate an unfiltered digital world. While nothing can replace parental supervision, we also cannot be with our children 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Resources To Keep Children Safe Online

With that in mind, I am sharing resources that you might find helpful; to both speak with your children about staying safe online, and some tips about what you can do to create a safer online experience for your children.

  • Get Safe Online is a general overview and offers advice based on the age of children.
  • Before You Click offers age-appropriate videos about internet safety that you can watch with your children.
  • Parenting is a great place to begin and gives some advice on software that can help.

If you have a favorite site or source, please share it with us so that we can let others know.

Calendar for the 2018-19 School Year

During my last post, I offered to meet with groups of parents about the calendar. Unfortunately, I only had one person take me up on this. While I got some great information, I would like to ask you to complete this brief survey to give me direct feedback about the school calendar. Just click here to participate. This will enable me to look at some themes and come up with some specific options for the calendar. I will let you know what I find out in my next post!

Test Phone Call for Delayed Openings and Snow Closings

Finally, it is that time of year again and Mother Nature sent a reminder to us with the first snowfall of the year. We will be doing a test call of our phone messaging system on Wednesday, November 15, 2017 beginning at 6 pm.

If you do not receive a phone call by 7 pm, please send an email to District Systems Administrator Brian Grattan.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving,
