Middle Schools To Parents/Guardians

March 16, 2020

Dear ConVal Families, 

As you know, in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, ConVal schools have suspended face-to-face instruction and our teachers are transitioning to a remote learning environment. 

Remote instruction will be conducted via Google Classroom and the studentsā€™ district-issued Chromebooks, starting on Wednesday, March 18. The duration of school building closure is currently scheduled through Friday, April 3, 2020, with the understanding that this time frame may have to be extended.

What does this mean?

  • All District buildings will be closed, except for essential personnel. As a result, staff will not be readily available by phone.
  • Parents/guardians should still notify the school whenever their child is sick. You should call the school and leave a message, reporting the illness as well as identify the specific symptoms that their child is exhibiting. 
  • All staff will be available during normal school hours 7:30 am – 2:15 pm via email. 
  • Students will need to check into their Google classroom courses daily and complete their assignments on an ongoing basis so that they can continue their learning progress.
  • For planning purposes, students should expect to work for 20-40 minutes per class each day.
  • School counselors and nurses will be reaching out to provide support for students with 504 plans. 
  • Special education case managers, service providers, and paraprofessionals will collaborate with classroom teachers to support individual student learning plans.
  • If your family needs to access meals through ConVal Food Services, please respond to this survey.
  • We will be sending further information tomorrow regarding the roles of nurses and counselors in relationship to all students.

Please continue to refer to the district website for further updates. Additional details will be shared as soon as they become available. 

Thank you in advance for your flexibility as we conduct remote instruction. We appreciate your understanding as we all respond to this rapidly evolving situation.


Jim Elder (GBS) and Anne O’Bryant (SMS)