March 13, 2020
As educational leaders, we consistently talk about the importance of caring for our students and keeping them safe. In this unprecedented time, we must come together to support and preserve the health and safety of our ConVal school community and its citizens.
After careful review of CDC guidelines, phone consultations with local health officials and other area superintendents, as well as a special meeting with the ConVal School Board this evening, we have come to the critical decision to temporarily suspend in-school instruction and transition to remote learning for all ConVal students.
There will be no school beginning on Monday, March 16th and all after-school activities are suspended until further notice. All ConVal buildings will be closed to the public.
On Wednesday, March 18th, we will begin remote instruction with the goal of returning to school on Monday, April 6th. This is with the understanding that conditions may change and the timeframe may need to be extended.
We will use this time to follow closely the health developments around the state and prepare for additional steps as necessary. At the same time, we will conduct thorough floor-to-ceiling disinfection and other enhanced cleaning routines in all of our buildings.
Please note the following items:
- On Monday, you will receive additional communication from your student’s building principal with further details about remote learning for your student.
- Our technology team will inform you about how to solve technical issues that may arise during the shift to remote learning.
- If you have a student who receives special education services, our Special Education Director will communicate with you directly about how those services will be delivered.
- We have a plan in place for students who receive free or reduced breakfast and lunch. Our Food Service Coordinator will reach out with detailed information.
- Finally, just like you do when school is in session, we ask that you report to your school’s nurse if your child develops an illness and what their specific symptoms are.
Up-to-date information about this rapidly evolving situation can be found on the district website.
Please be assured that we have taken this difficult step in consideration of all available facts and in an effort to protect the health and well-being of all members of the ConVal community. Thank you in advance for your flexibility and understanding.