The ConVal School District is reaching out to our families today to reassure them regarding the tents that will be used for our outdoor learning spaces beginning September 8th, 2020.
Our tents have been professionally installed following the specifications from the tent manufacturers. Each tent is undergoing a thorough inspection in conjunction with local authorities.
The tent company that we are working with is highly reputable and the proprietor is a local resident invested in our ConVal community and the safety of our students and staff.
Additionally, we have developed emergency procedures for evacuation of the tents and movement of students and staff into our buildings in the event that it becomes necessary.
These emergency procedures have been included with our Emergency Operation Plans, and as we do with other emergency procedures we will review and practice them with our students and staff.
The ConVal District remains vigilant about safety, should you have questions please do not hesitate to reach out to our Facilities Director Tim Grossi at