Giving Thanks
Many of us have traditions for the Thanksgiving holiday.
In my family, we come to Thanksgiving with three specific things we are thankful for — my Mom makes us write them down. When I was younger, this seemed a bit corny and I consistently came up with the same list: my family, my Mom’s great cooking, etc.
As I have gotten older (not old, mind you, just older), I have spent more time reflecting on the myriad of things that I have to be grateful for. I wanted to share a couple of items because they include ConVal.
- I am thankful that every day, I work with an incredible group of professionals that care deeply for your children.
- I am thankful that every day, I have the opportunity to see children learning, playing, and growing into the next generation of leaders.
- I am thankful that I work in a district that is committed to public education for all children.
Quick survey
Before we break for Thanksgiving, I was hoping you might take a few moments to give us some constructive feedback on our work around the cancellation of school last week. If you click here, you can participate in our three open-ended questions.
Is it really going to snow?!
Yep, it looks like our first real snow event is coming at the end of this week. With that, I just wanted to remind people about how snow delays and cancellations are decided.
Beginning in early November, I follow the weather at the National Weather Service. As a storm event develops, I watch for changes and look at the times that the storm is likely to occur and how long it might last.
As the storm grows closer, I may consult with a number of other people, including the bus company, road agents, other local school systems, and, depending on the anticipated severity of the storm, the State DOT.
I aim to give parents the most notice I can because, as a parent, I understand the time needed to make childcare arrangements and the inconvenience of having routines and schedules interrupted.
At times, with the forecast and information that I have, I can make the call the night before. Sometimes, the storm pattern changes so many times that I have to wait to see what is going to happen.
Those are generally the steps I take when I make a decision, but my thought process is entirely about student safety. I know that hundreds of teenage drivers are going to be driving to school and thousands of children are going to be boarding buses, and this thought is always at the center of my decision.
Just a quick reminder
Once a month I host a Superintendent Brown Bag Lunch. This month it will be on Thursday, November 29th from 11:30-12:30 at 106 Hancock Road. Please bring your lunch and join me for an informal conversation about your questions and thoughts about the ConVal School District.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!