Suicide Prevention SB282-FN: RSA 193-J

During the 2019 legislative session, SB 282 was passed to address the critically important issue of suicide prevention of school-age children in New Hampshire. SB 282 was created out of a recognition that suicide is a complex issue that necessitates resources from schools, families, and the community to all be harnessed in an appropriate and timely fashion in order to prevent suicide.

The sole purpose of this new law is to reduce the number of suicides that are occurring in New Hampshireā€™s school-age population. The bill seeks to accomplish this by ensuring that suicide prevention education and training be available to school personnel, students, and their parents by utilizing age-appropriate and evidence-based materials in this subject area.

This law applies to all public schools and chartered public schools across the state and became effective in July 2020. This requirement has also generated the ConVal District School Board suicide prevention policy JLDBB.

NH Resources and Trainings

NAMI-NH NAMI-NH Online Suicide Prevention Training
Connorā€™s Climb
UNH Cooperative Extension
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) NH Chapter
NH Suicide Prevention Plan
NH Community Mental Health Centers
NH Community Behavioral Health Centers
NH School District Governance Association
Monadnock Family Services

National Resources to Support Suicide Prevention and Postvention in Schools

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
Suicide Prevention Resource Center
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
The Connect Program
The National Alliance for Suicide Prevention
SAMHSA Suicide Prevention
Center for Disease Control Prevention Package
The National Center for Behavioral Health

School District Contacts