Student Services

Student Services is currently responsible for the Student Service staff which includes: Social Workers, School Counselors, English Language Learner Teacher, and Nurses.

The Director of Student Services serves as the McKinney Vento Homeless Liaison and the school district’s Court Liaison. Student Services monitors portions of the District Budget and coordinates staff trainings/Professional Development focusing on student mental health (Youth Mental Health First Aid-YMHFA), as well as behavioral intervention training and support for school district staff (Life Space Crisis Intervention-LSCI and Crisis Prevention Intervention-(CPI). Student Services works with school district administrators in regard to attendance policies and procedures as well as 504 accountability across the school district.

Student Services implements the School-Wide Integration Framework for Transformation (ConVal 2025). The Student Services Department oversees Community Regional Grant Management, Youth Education Employment Service (YEES), program development and management, ensuring compliance with established policies, procedures/regulations, understanding educational needs of ConVal’s students, and the mentoring of data to make informed decisions.

The mission of Student Services is to achieve the strategic vision of SAU 1 by providing direction and support to each member school to ensure legal compliance and successful implementation of best practices to meet the needs of all students.

Cari Christian Coates, Director of Student Services

Kate Wasserloos, Admin Assistant (Student Services)
603-924-3336, ext 2032