Updated: March 2, 2020, 2:20pm
In response to COVID-19 concerns, we want to share the current ConVal District practices regarding facilities, which are in accordance with guidelines established by the Department of Health and Human Services and the Center for Disease Control.
- Air Handling: All schools have HVAC systems that are controlled through a building automation system that routinely exchanges fresh air and monitors air quality.
- Soap Dispensers: All soap dispensers use an approved hand cleanser
- Surface Cleaning product QT-3-Hillyard
Additional daily practices and routines:
- All door handles, push plates, and flat surfaces are sanitized by custodians and/or building staff using QT-3 cleanser daily and with increased frequency during cold and flu season.
- Additional attention to the underside of tables and computer keyboards
- Teachers and nurses model proper handwashing techniques on a regular basis
- Teachers have access to QT-3 surface cleanser as needed.