The ConVal School District’s Annual All Staff Appreciation Event on Friday, June 22, celebrated the conclusion of the 2017-2018 school year and honored retirees. Director of Human Resources Tim Markley served as the Master of Ceremonies.
In her introductory remarks, Superintendent Kimberly Saunders reflected: “On opening day last summer, I said that no other staff is prepared for this coming year as you are. You have worked extremely hard, and today I say: No one deserves this celebration and the upcoming time to renew and regenerate as you do.” Saunders reviewed the accomplishments of the last year, including the passing of the budget and the new teacher contract.
School Board Chairman Myron Steere thanked teachers for their dedication and hard work in providing a quality education to all students in the district. Saunders then recognized individual staff members for their respective years of service, including some who have been with the ConVal School District for more than 25 years.
Several staff members received special recognitions from their principals and peers on the occasion of their retirement, including Katherine Fox, Eileen Couture, and Peter Ketchum.
Business Administrator Marian Alese was thanked for her many years of service with three speeches by Facilities Director Tim Grossi, Superintendent Kimberly Saunders, and South Meadow School teacher Dorene Decibus. Decibus, in her role as Board member of the New Hampshire Excellence in Education Awards, conferred the EDies’ School Administrator Award to Marian Alese.
The staff appreciation event concluded with the drawing of door prizes sponsored by the school district and local businesses. New this year, a skills component was added that allowed every fifth raffle prize winner to also toss for a chance to win a cornhole set; Liz Walton was the winner of the cornhole contest.
A big thank you to Tim Markley, Denise McLenon, Brenda Marschok, Carol Hills, Koren Krslovic, and everyone else who helped make this event the success that it was.
To all ConVal teachers, congratulations on a successful 2017-2018 school year. We look forward to seeing you again in August!