The registration process will begin shortly for the Preschool for All Programming. We are asking that you call now to get a spot on the waitlist; placements will be made by the end of April.
Children must be three prior to September 30, 2022
The three year old program is provided 3 half-days per week. The program currently serves all towns in the school district. These classrooms are presently located in the elementary schools of Antrim, Peterborough, Hancock, and Greenfield. All ConVal School District residents are encouraged to sign up.
Children must be four prior to September 30, 2022
The four year old program is provided 4.5 full days M-F, Wednesday being a half-day. The program currently serves all towns in the school district. These classrooms are presently located in the elementary schools of Antrim, Peterborough, Hancock, and Greenfield. All ConVal School District residents are encouraged to sign up.
To register your child for the waitlist for preschool, please call Kate Wasserloos at (603) 924-7503 ext. 2032, or email