On August 25, Dr. Kimberly Rizzo Saunders gave the opening presentation for the 2022-2023 school year on the stadium field at ConVal Regional High School. The theme of her speech were the 13 years that the children of the ConVal communities spend as students in district schools.
“In those 2,340 days,” Dr. Saunders remarked, “we don’t just teach, we put band-aids on, put lost teeth in envelopes, we wipe noses, we tie shoes, we help select healthy foods. … We teach them to play well with others, that they can trust others. … We aid in teaching them how to work our their differences, and to express their emotions appropriately, so they can build healthy relationships with their peers throughout their lives. Every day counts.”
Addressing academics, she observed: “In those 2,340 days, we teach them to read, so that they can discover and explore the knowledge and wonder that this world holds for them. … We teach them to write so they can express themselves, explain themselves, and share with others their hopes and dreams for themselves and our world. … We take them from learning to count objects to applying math in ways that will help them discover patterns, create models, and assist them in discovering ways to examine and solve problems. … We teach them about community so that they can better understand the foundations of our democratic republic and are prepared to participate, promote, and protect it from those who seek to change the fiber of the country that was created for the people, by the people. Every day counts.”
“In those 2,340 days, we don’t just teach, we inspire, we comfort, we encourage, we support, and we celebrate. … We enable our students to not only do well in school, but to help them do well in their lives outside of school — not so we can lead them, but so they can lead us to a brighter future. Every day counts.”
“I look forward to our continued work together,” Dr. Saunders concluded, “Please make every day count for our students, for our colleagues, and for our community.”