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District Invites Community Feedback On 2021-2022 Reopening Plan

Good Afternoon,

The ConVal School District continues to work to review and refine our Reopening Plan and we would like to ask you to share your thoughts once again.  You can review our 2021-2022 Reopening Plan by clicking here

For the District to access the federal grant dollars associated with the 3rd round of ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund) the New Hampshire Department of Education is requiring us to provide another update to our Reopening Plan. 

We continue to watch COVID numbers in our 9 towns and the larger Monadnock Region and meet regularly with the COVID Monitoring Team to review the numbers, as well as our present practices and mitigation strategies.

The ConVal District wants the Reopening Plan to reflect the values and expectations of the community.  To that end, we are once again asking for your feedback on our present reopening plan.  Please fill out a quick survey related to mitigation measures by clicking here

Thank you for your willingness to fill out this survey. Your voice is important to us, and your responses will further inform our decision-making process.

This survey closes on Thursday, December 16th,  at 11:59 PM.


Kimberly Rizzo Saunders, EdD 
