District Assessment Program

The systems by which we measure our students’ progress, and the accountability systems that we report students’ progress to.

 Presently the ConVal School District is developing an assessment framework to aid teachers in implementing research based assessment to aid in the implementation of strategic intervention. Among the assessments students participate in are the following:

SBAC: The Smarter Balanced Assessment System replaced the existing statewide assessments in mathematics, reading and writing (the NECAP) and offers significant improvements over assessments of the past, including: writing at every grade; expanded accessibility features to meet the needs of all students; and performance tasks that ask students to demonstrate an array of research, writing, and real-world problem solving skills. SBAC goes beyond the multiple-choice assessments of the past by engaging students in a variety of items that require students to think more critically. The use of computer adaptive technology is more precise and efficient than form (paper/pencil) testing, providing results for teachers and students in a matter of weeks.

NWEA MAP Testing – The North West Evaluation Association Map testing gives us detailed information about where each child is in his or her learning. Aligned with the New Hampshire state standards, this is a research based computer testing system which adapts to the child in real-time as the child takes the test, the student is presented with test questions at different levels of difficulty and the test adjusts based on the students responses. The teacher can access results within 48 hours which indicate learning achievement, readiness and instructional levels appropriate for individual students. (30,000 annual cost)

AIMSweb – We have replaced the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS), which only provided us with benchmark information for reading, with AIMSweb which will provide benchmark information for reading and math. AIMSweb is and progress monitoring system based on direct, frequent and continuous student assessment. The system obtains information on all students (universal screening) and determines which students are below, at or above expected levels. Teachers can then alter their instruction for particular groups of students when and where it is needed. This one tool assessment tool will allow us to do the following:

    • Benchmark – Assess all students three times per year for universal screening and general education progress monitoring.
    • Strategic Monitor – Monitor students who are below benchmark monthly and evaluate the effectiveness of instructional changes.
    • Progress Monitor – Write individualized annual goals and monitor more frequently for those who need intensive instruction